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2003 - 2007       B.A. in Chemistry, Whitman College

2007 - 2012       PhD in Chemistry and Biochemistry, UCSC (with Roger Linington)

2012 - 2015       NIH K12 IRACDA Postdoc Fellow - UCSD (with Pieter Dorrestein)

2015 - 2020       Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences at UIC

2020                  Associate Professor, Pharmaceutical Sciences at UIC

2021 - Present   Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry at UCSC


She started her independent lab in the Fall of 2015 at the University of Illinois at Chicago in the Department of Pharmaceutical sciences. The lab relocated to the University of California, Santa Cruz Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry in January 2021. Her team specializes in using and adapting imaging mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry for small molecule analyses in complex systems. She was a K12 BIRCWH Scholar (2016-2017) which supported the translation of the techniques to women's health. 


Honors and Awards

Allen Distinguished Investigator, Paul G Allen Frontiers Group, 2022

Top 40 under 40, The Analytical Scientist Power List, 2022

ASP Matt Suffness Young Investigator Award, 2022

ACS Infectious Diseases/ACS Division of Biological Chemistry Young  Investigator Award, 2022

2021 Rising Stars in Proteomics and Metabolomics, Journal of Proteome Research, 2021

2019 Rising Star Award in Basic Life Sciences, UIC, 2020

40 under 40 Chicago Scientists, Halo Innovations, 2019

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