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Congrats Dr Luu!My first hooding irl. | Stomper sighting!Hey Stomper thanks for the pic at the A's game | NP CrewSanchez, MacMillian, and McKinnie labs at the A's game, summer 2023 |
We prettyHaving silly fun as always | Congrats Gordon and CelineGrabbed a quick pic at the UCSC Chem Dept graduation celebration with the crew | ASMS 2023Hope you caught our posters in Houston! |
Way to go ClariceShe won a poster award at the Stanford Undergraduate Symposium in Computer Science | EYH 2022The crew at lunch at EYH holding down the UCSC table | Dr LuuGordon kicks off his defense, first defense irl |
MSACL 2023Hannah and Laura have fun at MSACL in Monterey | Suffness awardeesThe dream team, congrats to the 2023 awardees Sandra and Jason, thanks for letting the 2022 awardee hang with you all ;) | New and Old Sanchez lab get together at 2021 ASMS in Philly with Bob! |
Dec 2021 Holiday Lunch | Crate day at UCSC! | World, meet Thor!New dual ESI/MALDI trapped ion mobility qTOF mass spectrometer is installed in March 2021! |
Come on ride the train | and ride it | New view, who dis? |
Visit from the Oh LabFollowing the trip to Seoul, the Oh lab visits before the ASP to learn how we prep our microbial samples! | NSF Team MeetingWe took a break from outlining publications and discussing research to see pandas with Rachel and Emily | Phil's Emeritus LectureEveryone wonders why i quote the Medicine Man so much #themoreyouknow |
NSF OutreachGordon working with kids from the Near West Sci club to try different foods to predict what might have been 'alive' | Happy Holidays from the Sanchez LabDec 2018 | Summer CrewSanchez Lab Summer 2017 in the Medicinal garden at COP, we miss you Valya! |
The gang at MIKI 2017 | March for ScienceMCP and Chemistry represent | Mike trying to be sneaky and failing |
MIKI 2017It's 5 O'Clock somewhere | ROAD TRIPPerlman Symposium at UW Madison | Ed Yong signed our book! |
Bowling with the Cologna Lab |
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